
首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > 經(jīng)皮和局部給藥系統(tǒng)——產(chǎn)品開發(fā)和質(zhì)量考量工業(yè)指南翻譯稿(下部分)


更新時間:2023-03-24      點擊次數(shù):1760


An applicant must provide technical data and information in sufficient detail to permit the Agency to make a knowledgeable judgment about whether to approve the application or whether grounds exist under section 505(d) or 505(j) of the FD&C Act to refuse to approve the application. This includes information about the drug substance and information about the TDS product.


The following sections provide recommendations to applicants about pharmaceutical development and quality information to be included in the application sections described in ICH M4Q.

以下各部分向申請人提供了關(guān)于藥物開發(fā)和質(zhì)量信息的建議,這些信息將包含在ICH M4Q中所述的應用章節(jié)中.

A.Pharmaceutical Development/藥物研發(fā)

As described in ICH M4Q, section 3.2.P.2 of the application should contain information on studies conducted to establish that the dosage form, formulation, manufacturing process, container closure system, microbiological attributes, and usage instructions specified in the application are appropriate for the intended use of the TDS product. The applicant should address the following:

如ICH M4Q第3.2.P.2節(jié)所述。申請應包含進行研究的信息,以確定申請中規(guī)定的劑型、配方、制造工藝、容器閉合系統(tǒng)、微生物屬性和使用說明適用于TDS產(chǎn)品的預期用途。申請人應解決以下問題:

lA descr1ption of the QTPP/QTPP說明

lA list of the CQAs of the TDS product, along with the limit, range, or distribution associated with each CQA and appropriate justification. TDS產(chǎn)品的CQAs列表,以及與每個CQAs相關(guān)的限制、范圍或分布以及適當?shù)睦碛伞?/span>

lIdentification of those aspects of the drug substance, excipients, container closure system, and manufacturing processes important to attaining product quality.  API、賦形劑、包裝容器系統(tǒng)和制造工藝對實現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量至關(guān)重要的方面的識別。

In particular, the selection of excipients and components, their concentrations (as appropriate), and their functional characteristics affecting TDS performance should be discussed. For example, the applicant should describe the impact of penetration enhancers on the adhesive properties of the TDS, solubility of the drug substance in the blend, and skin permeation. 特別應討論影響TDS性能的賦形劑和成分的選擇、其濃度(視情況而定)及其功能特性。例如,申請人應描述滲透促進劑對TDS的粘合性能、API在混合物中的溶解度和皮膚滲透的影響。

Applicants should specify the allowable ranges around the process parameters and material attributes that have a potential to impact TDS product CQAs with justification and describe how they will be monitored. 申請人應說明可能影響TDS產(chǎn)品CQA的工藝參數(shù)和材料屬性的允許范圍,并說明如何對其進行監(jiān)控。

lA descr1ption of the quality risk assessments, potential failure modes, and product and process control strategies/質(zhì)量風險評估、潛在故障模式以及產(chǎn)品和過程控制策略的描述。

1.Batch Formula/批次處方

For processes that use solvated raw materials, batch formulas should be designed to tolerate variation in the solvent content of raw materials. Drug substance overages and excipient excesses can be added to a batch to account for evaporation during drying, but the amount of overage or excess should be controlled and justified by process development studies. Applicants should describe any cross-linking reactions since these reactions impact the chemical composition and quality of the finished product.


2.Expectations for Registration/Exhibit Batches.對注冊/展示批次的期望

Applicants should submit data for registration/exhibit batches manufactured from three distinct laminates, where each laminate is made using different lots of drug substance, adhesives, backing, and/or other critical elements in the TDS product. Release and stability sampling should be representative of the full length and width of the laminates to demonstrate that the manufacturing process is robust


Any clinical batch (e.g., those used in phase 3, PK, BE, adhesion, or irritation and sensitization studies) should be included in the formal stability program. Applicants should provide the executed batch records and certificates of analysis for all batches used in clinical and BE studies, including placebo batches. Placebo batches should include all inactive ingredients and components and representative printing


Applicants should report the actual yields, theoretical yield, and percentages of theoretical yield from the conclusion of each appropriate phase of manufacturing, processing, packaging, and holding. The theoretical yield should be calculated for each batch prospectively. For example, if a coating process is stopped due to a manufacturing issue, the theoretical yield should be based on the mass that was intended to be coated rather than the mass that was actually coated. The yield for TDS processes may be lower than the usual yield for many other drug manufacturing processes. However, abnormally low yields in the TDS submission batches should be explained in the application

申請人應報告制造、加工、包裝和保存每個適當階段結(jié)束時的實際產(chǎn)量、理論產(chǎn)量和理論產(chǎn)量百分比。應前瞻性地計算每批的理論產(chǎn)量。例如,如果由于制造問題而停止了涂覆過程,則理論產(chǎn)量應基于打算涂覆的質(zhì)量,而不是實際涂覆的質(zhì)量。TDS工藝的產(chǎn)率可能低于許多其他藥物制造工藝的通常產(chǎn)率。但是,應在申請中說明 TDS 提交批次中異常低的產(chǎn)量。

Because of the sensitivity of TDS products to small differences in manufacturing process, a master table comparing the clinical, BE, registration/exhibit, and proposed commercial batches should be included in section 3.2.P.2.3 of the application. For each batch, this table should specify the manufacturing process used (including equipment, and manufacturing scale, and those parameters that could directly or indirectly impact a CQA), and the results of critical in process tests (specifying the test procedure and acceptance criteria), yield, and reconciliation data. The table should also include links to any information referenced from other parts of the submission. It should also clarify whether these batches were packaged to completion at the die cutting and pouching stage

由于 TDS 產(chǎn)品對制造過程中的微小差異很敏感,應在申請書第3.2.P.2.3節(jié)中包含一份比較臨床、BE、注冊/展示和擬議商業(yè)批次的主表。對于每個批次,該表應詳細說明所使用的制造工藝(包括設備、制造規(guī)模以及可能直接或間接影響CQA的參數(shù)),以及關(guān)鍵過程中測試的結(jié)果(規(guī)定測試程序和驗收標準)、產(chǎn)量和調(diào)節(jié)數(shù)據(jù)。該表還應包括提交文件其他部分引用的任何信息的鏈接。還應澄清這些批次是否在模切和裝袋階段包裝完成

3.Product Characterization Studies/產(chǎn)品特性研究

Because of the uniqueness of the TDS dosage form, specialized developmental studies and eva1uations are recommended to demonstrate full product understanding in both new and abbreviated new drug applications. Several such studies/eva1uations are discussed below.


a.Skin Permeability/皮膚滲透性

Skin permeability is a function of permeant thermodynamic activity and degree of saturation of the drug substance in the TDS. The solubility and degree of saturation of the drug substance in the TDS should be eva1uated, and their impact on the performance of the TDS understood.



Generally, crystallization of the drug substance in the TDS product should be avoided. If crystallization occurs, studies should be conducted to assess its impact on the in vivo performance and adhesion of TDS.

通常,應避免 TDS 產(chǎn)品中API的結(jié)晶。如果發(fā)生結(jié)晶,應進行研究以評估其對TDS體內(nèi)性能和粘附的影響。

c.Thermodynamic Stability of Drug Substance/原料藥的熱力學穩(wěn)定性

To confirm thermodynamic stability of the drug substance, the risk of precipitation or salt formation during manufacturing and storage should be eva1uated. If there is an equilibrium between different salt forms, the kinetics to reach this equilibrium should be thoroughly haracterized. The impact of this equilibrium on TDS performance should be eva1uated with relevant in vitro drug release, permeation, and/or clinical data.



The strength of a transdermal system should be expressed as a rate (e.g., XX mg/day), whereas the strength of a topical system should be expressed as a percent total drug load. For transdermal systems, the strength can be derived from and supported by either PK data or by residual drug analysis performed on used transdermal systems. The first approach involves the derivation of a clearance (Cl) value from absolute bioavailability of the drug and multiplying that by the concentration (Css) at the steady state. The second approach involves the measurement of the amount of drug left in the transdermal systems at the end of the wear period and dividing the “consumed amount” by the wear period.


Although the strength of a topical system is expressed as percent total drug load, a residual drug analysis should still be conducted.


e.Residual Drug/殘留藥物

Consistent with FDA guidance for industry Residual Drug in Transdermal and Related Drug Delivery Systems (August 2011), scientific justification sufficient to support the amount of residual drug in a TDS should be included in the pharmaceutical development section of the application. To provide a robust analysis of the residual drug, we recommend the following:


1.Data should be based on analysis of the used TDS and not on a theoretical calculation. 數(shù)據(jù)應基于對所用TDS的分析,而非理論計算。

2.The amount of drug left on the skin surface should be assessed. Any drug that may have been transferred to packaging or other components of the TDS during storage or use should be accounted for in an attempt to perform a mass balance. 應評估殘留在皮膚表面的藥物量。在儲存或使用過程中可能轉(zhuǎn)移到包裝或 TDS 其他成分的任何藥物都應考慮在內(nèi),以嘗試進行質(zhì)量平衡。

3.Tape or overlays should not be used in studies where the TDS is used to calculate residual drug在TDS用于計算殘留藥物的研究中,不應使用膠帶或覆蓋物

4.TDS adhesion assessments should be conducted over the entire period of wear to determine whether the TDS diffusional surface area remains in full contact with the skin during the entire period of the study. 應在整個使用期間進行TDS粘附評估,以確定TDS擴散表面積在整個研究期間是否與皮膚完全接觸。

5.A control study should be performed to provide an estimate of drug load, rather than simply using the expressed label claim. This study should include analysis of a minimum of three unused products from the same lot of product used in the study. 應進行對照研究,以提供藥物負荷的估計,而不是簡單地使用表達的標簽要求。這項研究應包括對研究中使用的相同產(chǎn)品的三種未使用產(chǎn)品的分析。

6.Sample storage conditions before and after application of the TDS on the skin should be validated. Photostability and thermal stability of the active ingredient(s) in the TDS should also be considered when selecting the appropriate storage conditions. 應驗證將TDS應用于皮膚之前和之后的樣品存儲條件。在選擇合適的儲存條件時,還應考慮TDS中活性成分的光穩(wěn)定性和熱穩(wěn)定性。

7.Appropriately sensitive and valid analytical methods should be used to assay the residual drug content for the purpose of calculating drug depletion and delivery. When estimating the amount of residual drug in the TDS, a drug extraction method with a target extraction efficiency close to 100 percent should be utilized to minimize error應使用適當敏感和有效的分析方法測定殘留藥物含量,以計算藥物消耗和遞送。當估計TDS中殘留藥物的量時,應使用目標提取效率接近100%的藥物提取方法,將誤差降至最低

f.In Vitro Permeation Testing/體外滲透測試

In vitro permeation testing (IVPT) with the use of excised human skin may be utilized to characterize the rate and extent of transdermal or topical drug delivery, and the study protocols and results should be described in the application. The following factors should be considered during IVPT model development:


相關(guān)閱讀:《FDA IVPT 測試 工業(yè)指南翻譯稿》

• Selection of the diffusion apparatus and the operating conditions like stirring rate or flow rate, as well as temperature control to maintain the under-normal-conditions skin surface temperature (32°C ±1°C)



Source of the skin, skin storage conditions, choice of skin type (i.e., age range, sex , race, and consistent anatomical region) and the skin preparation technique (e.g., full-thickness, dermatomed, isolated epidermis)


The IVPT protocol should specify the nominal skin thickness and its range, details of the skin barrier integrity test, and any occlusion of the product during the IVPT. Visual observations alone are not sufficient to characterize the barrier integrity of the skin. Acceptable barrier integrity tests may be based on tritiated water permeation, trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), or electrical impedance/conductance measured across the skin. The test parameters and acceptance criteria used for the skin barrier integrity test should be justified based on relevant literature references or other information



The IVPT protocol should also include details about the receptor solution, system equilibration, procedures for skin mounting and application of the TDS, as well as any measures to secure the TDS on the skin surface to prevent lifting. We recommend that an antimicrobial agent be included in the receptor solution (e.g., ~0.1 percent sodium azide or ~0.01 percent gentamicin sulfate).


The IVPT study report should include dose duration, sampling duration, sampling time points, concentration of samples, concentration of the antimicrobial component, and the empirical stability (at relevant temperatures) and solubility of the active ingredient in the receptor solution. The study report should also include the number of individuals whose skin was eva1uated (i.e., skin donors) and the number of replicate skin sections per donor per treatment group


All treatment groups compared in an IVPT study should be dosed on the skin samples from the same set of donors, with the same number of replicates per donor per treatment group. These treatment groups should also use the skin samples from the same anatomical site from all donors, unless varying these parameters is essential to the design of the study and the eva1uation of the TDS. The study report should include the equilibrated skin surface temperature prior to dose application, and the ambient temperature and relative humidity in the laboratory, as well as the extent of qualification of the sample analytical methods (e.g., HPLC)


g.Extractable and Leachable Testing/可提取且可浸出的測試

All TDS should be eva1uated for potential compounds that could be transferred from the product to the patient. This eva1uation should include assessments of extractables and leachables, consistent with USP and


As defined in United States Pharmacopeia (USP)21 General Chapter Assessment of Extractables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems, “extractables are organic and inorganic chemical entities that are released from a pharmaceutical packaging/ delivery system, packaging component, or packaging material of construction and into an extraction solvent under laboratory conditions.” The extraction conditions should “accelerate or exaggerate the normal conditions of storage and use for a packaged dosage form.”


As defined in USP General Chapter  Assessment of Drug Product Leachables Associated with Pharmaceutical Packaging/Delivery Systems, “leachables are foreign organic and inorganic entities that are present in a packaged drug product because they have leached into the packaged drug product from a packaging/delivery system, packaging component, or packaging material of construction under normal conditions of storage and use or during accelerated drug product stability studies.”


In the context of this guidance, extractable impurities are chemical entities that can be drawn out of the backing membrane, release liner, pouching material, printed ink, internal membranes, and components other than the drug substance and adhesive matrix by a solvent system.


Additionally, an extraction study can detect compounds introduced into the TDS from the manufacturing process, which can impact the final impurity profile of the TDS product. In the context of this guidance, leachables are chemical entities present in a packaged TDS because they leached into the adhesive matrix (or where applicable, reservoir) under normal conditions of storage or during accelerated stability studies. These compounds may transfer from the adhesive matrix (or reservoir) to the patient during use.


Extractable studies are used to inform the leachable study design. The leachable data should be correlated, if possible, with the extractables profile(s) determined under the various control extraction study conditions. Both extractable and leachable studies should have adequate sensitivity to detect compounds potentially released at a level associated with patient exposure when a product is used at the maximum daily dose (e.g., 1.5 mcg/day for standard mutagenic compounds in a chronic-use drug product22 ), unless otherwise justified. For some products, the maximum daily dose may require applying more than one TDS.

可提取研究用于告知可浸出研究設計。如果可能的話,在不同的對照浸出研究條件下確定浸出物的分布??商崛『涂山鲅芯繎哂凶銐虻撵`敏度,以檢測當產(chǎn)品以最大日劑量使用時(例如,長期使用藥物產(chǎn)品中的標準致突變化合物為1.5 mcg/天),可能釋放的化合物,除非另有證明。對于某些產(chǎn)品,最大每日劑量可能需要應用一種以上的TDS。

Adhesive impurities such as residual monomers, initiator byproducts, and aldehydes are not considered extractables or leachables because these impurities are present at peak concentrations before product manufacture. Control of adhesive impurities is discussed elsewhere in this guidance (see section IV. INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED IN AN APPLICATION, C. Control of TDS Product). However, the leachable studies discussed below may be leveraged to justify adhesive impurity limits or as part of the toxicological risk assessment for adhesive impurities because a leachable study is performed on the proposed commercial product.


To aid in the extractable and leachable analyses described below, applicants should contact raw material suppliers to identify potential extractables of toxicological concern, such as residual monomers from backing materials.


lExtractable Studies

Extractable studies should be conducted early in the pharmaceutical development process to understand the potential leachables from components of the proposed commercial TDS. These studies should be conducted on components such as backing membrane, release liner, rate controlling or other internal membranes, ink and pouching. The testing components should be extracted in a variety of solvents with a range of polarities under vigorous laboratory extraction conditions to maximize the levels of extractables and identify as many potential leachables as possible. One of the extraction solvents used in the extractable studies should include the solvent of the proposed commercial adhesive(s) platform or the known residual solvents for the finished TDS. The choices of solvents used should be justified







h.Assessing the Effects of Heat

Heat from external sources such as a heating blanket, and potentially from a rise in internal body temperature due to strenuous exercise or fever, may affect the rate of drug release from the TDS and the absorption of drug into and through the skin. We recommend that applicants study the impact of an elevated TDS/skin surface temperature on the delivery profile of TDS relative to its delivery profile at a normal TDS/skin surface temperature.



For a TDS product to be submitted in an NDA, we recommend that the heat effect studies be conducted as part of a clinical study using the proposed commercial product. In designing the heat effect studies, critical factors such as appropriate elevated test temperature(s), heat exposure onset time(s), duration(s), and cycles (if any), as well as mechanisms of heat exposure (e.g., heating lamp, heating pad, etc.) should be identified


For a TDS product to be submitted in an ANDA, the applicant should eva1uate whether the test TDS, used under elevated temperature conditions, increases drug delivery compared to the reference (R) TDS. The ANDA applicant should provide the results of an IVPT study comparing the drug delivery characteristics for the test TDS and the R TDS at normal and elevated temperatures using skin from multiple individuals (donors), with multiple replicate diffusion cells eva1uated per donor, per treatment (test versus R), and per temperature condition. An IVPT study with a sufficient number of donors and replicates per donor per treatment per temperature condition is recommended to obtain meaningful data. A study with fewer than four donors and four replicates per donor per treatment per temperature may be difficult to interpret.


We recommend a parallel eva1uation and comparison of the test and R TDS under the following baseline and elevated temperature conditions:

我們建議在以下基礎和高溫條件下對試驗和R TDS進行平行評估和比較:

1.BASELINE: Both the test and R products should be maintained at a TDS/skin surface temperature of 32 ±1°C for the entire study duration. 基礎:在整個研究期間,T和R產(chǎn)品的TDS/皮膚表面溫度應保持在32±1°C。

2.ELEVATED TEMPERATURE: Both the test and R products should be maintained at a TDS/skin surface temperature of 32 ±1°C until a specified time, approximately when the peak flux is observed, and then maintained at a TDS/skin surface  temperature of 42 ±2°C for a period thereafter, which may be the remainder of the study duration升高的溫度:T和R產(chǎn)品應保持在32±1°C的TDS/皮膚表面溫度,直到大約觀察到峰值通量時的指定時間,然后在剩余持續(xù)研究時間段保持在42±2°C的TDS/皮膚表面溫度

It should not be assumed that a set temperature for a circulating water bath will provide the target temperature at the TDS/skin surface. The TDS/skin surface temperature should be directly measured using an infrared thermometer or other temperature probe. The study duration for a 7-day wear TDS need not encompass the entire labeled duration of wear. It may be adequate to perform an IVPT study for a 48 or 72 hour duration, if that duration is sufficient to reach the peak drug delivery rate under baseline conditions. Alternatively, an applicant may justify eva1uating other conditions or scenarios of exposure to elevated temperatures that represent the worst-case scenario for a given TDS product or indicated patient population.


i.Microscopic Matrix eva1uation

Due to complexities of many TDS formulations, adhesive matrices often do not form true solutions, rather they manifest as dispersions. If rearrangements of the dispersed-like system occur over time within the matrix, they can possibly lead to lack of adhesion or changes in drug delivery and release. As such, it is important to have a good understanding of the TDS formulation, the way the drug substance and excipients are dispersed within the adhesive matrix, and the tendency of the matrix to change over time from product release through its expiry period. Therefore, it is informative to assess surface and cross-sectional changes in the TDS matrix throughout the shelf life of the developmental batches using high-powered microscopy, elemental mapping, or other appropriate tools. These tools may not be appropriate for every TDS; applicants should provide a scientific justification for the tools used. These assessments  will help achieve comprehensive understanding of product and process, mitigate quality-related risks, and assure that the TDS meets the requisite quality attributes through its expiry period

i. 微觀基質(zhì)評價


4.Proposed Manufacturing Changes

Scale-up proposals and other process changes may be proposed in an original NDA or ANDA, but the level of additional information needed to support these changes will generally be commensurate with the risk of the change to adversely impact product quality. In general, changes to TDS after the conduct of pivotal clinical studies should be avoided when possible because of the sensitivity of TDS to small changes in formulation and manufacturing process.



Low-risk changes may be adequately supported with updated master batch records and batch formulas. Examples include scale-up of solvent-based and aqueous mixtures within a factor of 10 using equipment of the same design and operating principles, or proposing a change to converting and pouching equipment of the same design and operating principle


Moderate-risk changes may warrant additional developmental studies and stability data on commercial scale batches to demonstrate that they will not result in an adverse impact on the quality of the product. Examples of such changes may include scale-up of hot-melt mixtures within a factor of 10, scale-up of screw-based mixing processes, and changes to coating/drying/laminating equipment of the same design and operating principle


Changes that pose a high risk to quality may warrant additional in vivo studies. An example is changing the manufacturing process to incorporate equipment of a different design and operating principle.



As described in ICH M4Q, section 3.2.P.3 of the application should contain information about where and how the TDS product will be manufactured. The batch formula and a descr1ption of the manufacturing process and process controls should be provided. A detailed schematic diagram of the proposed production process, including descr1ptions of the equipment, operating conditions, and process controls, should also be provided.


如ICH M4Q中所述,應用程序的第3.2.P.3節(jié)應包含關(guān)于TDS產(chǎn)品將在何處以及如何制造的信息。應提供批次配方以及制造工藝和工藝控制的說明。還應提供擬定生產(chǎn)工藝的詳細示意圖,包括設備、操作條件和工藝控制的說明。

During process development, the applicant should identify process variables that have a potential to impact TDS product CQAs. These process development studies inform commercial process qualification and continued process verification later in the product life cycle.


Typical TDS manufacturing steps/unit operations are listed below (a non-exhaustive list). For processes that incorporate these steps, the applicant should describe how each operation and associated controls were developed, addressing the considerations below, specifically, the CQAs that may be impacted by the operation, and the relevant process parameters and material attributes that may impact the output of each operation:


Mixing: Mixing operations produce bulk mixtures for the coating step. Mixing can impact CQAs such as assay, stability of drug substance and/or excipients, content uniformity, microscopic appearance, and physical properties of the adhesive. The control strategy should address the impact of equipment design, order of material addition, and process parameters (such as mixing speeds, mixing times, temperatures, redispersion or recirculation conditions, and deaeration conditions) on CQAs, and should be justified, as necessary, based on development studies. CMAs that can impact mixing include drug substance particle size, polymorphic form, raw material rheological attributes, and percent solids for materials supplied in solvent-based mixtures.


Coating, drying, and lamination: Coating is the application of a mixture to a substrate.  Depending on the equipment used, coating can impact CQAs such as content uniformity and microscopic appearance. Though CPPs are equipment dependent,  firms should demonstrate that the control strategy (e.g., process parameters to be controlled) is adequate to ensure content uniformity and microscopic appearance for the full duration of the coating operation. CMAs that can impact coating include the rheology of the bulk mixture and within-roll uniformity of the substrate to be coated


Drying involves the removal of solvent from the mixture following the coating process. This process step can impact CQAs such as assay, permeation enhancer content, antioxidant content, water content (for hydrogels), content uniformity, microscopic appearance, drug release, product stability, residual solvents, residual adhesive impurities, and physical properties of the adhesive matrix. Therefore, CPPs for drying that may need to be considered during process development include line speed, the pump or screw speed, zone temperatures, air flow rates, temperature of the drying air, and humidity of the drying air. Process development should also consider the CMAs that can impact drying such as solvent and adhesive impurity content in the bulk mixture. Applicants should also provide data to justify any drug substance overage or excipient excess that may be needed to compensate for any evaporation during drying


Lamination involves the combining of multiple layers of a given transdermal system design into a single common laminate. Applicants should provide development data for corona treatments if such a process is used to bond the adhesive to a backing film or rate-controlling membrane


ØSlitting and Printing: The bulk product is typically slit longitudinally into narrower rolls of laminate for further processing. Slitting and printing are typically low risk steps; however, if certain aspects of the printing processes, e.g., excessive penetration depth or heat input, can adversely affect product quality, then printing processes should be characterized and controlled.


ØConverting and pouching: Converting and pouching typically involve cutting a  continuous laminate into individual units and sealing the unit in a heat-sealed pouch.  CQAs affected by these processes include usability of the product (e.g., the ability to remove a release liner) and pouch integrity. Common CPPs for these steps include heat sealing temperatures and dwell times.


Curing: Some TDS have processing steps to complete a curing reaction after drying or pouching. Curing time and curing conditions are common CPPs for this step. Curing should be completed before batch release testing if curing could impact test results.


Hold times: Hold times must be defined and justified for in-process materials held between unit operations (21 CFR part 211.111). Applicants should use a risk-based approach to determine which CQAs to monitor during hold time studies.

保持時間:必須定義和證明在單元操作之間保留的過程中材料的保留時間(21 CFR第211.111部分)。申請人應使用基于風險的方法來確定在保持時間研究期間要監(jiān)控哪些CQA。

Other considerations: Tubing and other product-contact equipment must be qualified as non-reactive, non-additive, and non-absorptive (21 CFR part 211.65(a)). The selection of the tubing and certain product-contacting equipment should be risk based, i.e., dependent on the duration of contact, process temperature, solvent system,  material considerations, clearance of leachables during manufacturing, and clinical use considerations.

其他注意事項:管道和其他產(chǎn)品接觸設備必須經(jīng)過非反應性、非添加劑和非吸收性(21 CFR第211.65(a)部分)的認證。管道和某些產(chǎn)品接觸設備的選擇應基于風險,即取決于接觸持續(xù)時間、工藝溫度、溶劑系統(tǒng)、材料考慮因素、制造過程中可浸出物的清除以及臨床使用考慮因素。

In-process controls (IPCs) for TDS are an integral part of the control strategy. The descr1ption of the proposed IPCs should address the following:


At the mixing stage, IPCs can provide assurance of assay, viscosity, uniformity, and pH for aqueous mixtures. If multiple samples are taken from a dispersed mixture, applicants should specify the mean, range for individual samples, and percent relative standard deviation.


IPCs for coating, drying, and lamination can provide assurance of uniformity across the laminate and throughout the run. For example, measurements for film appearance, coat weight, and/or a test for residual solvents may be applicable IPCs for coating and drying. Film appearance measurements that allow detection and rejection of defects affecting continuity of an adhesive laminate (e.g., streaks) should be described in the application. Additionally, for films that are dispersions at the microscopic scale (e.g.,  acrylic adhesive dispersed in silicone, povidone dispersed in silicone, or solid drug  substance dispersed in adhesive), applicants should describe the IPCs established to monitor uniformity throughout a coating run in the application. Samples for testing coat weight and uniformity should be representative of the full length and width of a laminate. Alternatively, these attributes can be monitored continuously (e.g., by the use of in-line coating measurement tools). In cases where the upstream controls can be used to confirm certain finished TDS specifications, such as residual solvents and  residual adhesive impurities, IPC testing can be used in lieu of release testing for these attributes.


For converting and pouching, IPCs can provide assurance of pouch integrity, product placement within the pouch, and product appearance (e.g., adequacy of the printed label, die-cuts, and kiss-cuts). An automated system can perform in-process checks for product appearance in lieu of human operators if the automated system is demonstrated to be suitable for the intended task(s).


C.Control of TDS Product

Section 3.2.P.5 of the application should contain the following information on control of the TDS product:




Analytical procedures分析程序

Validation of analytical procedures分析程序的驗證

ØCharacterization of impurities雜質(zhì)的表征

Batch analyses批次分析

Justification for the proposed specification擬定規(guī)范的理由

Typical CQAs included in TDS specification:





Impurities and degradation products雜質(zhì)和降解產(chǎn)物

Uniformity of dosage units含量均勻度

Permeation enhancer content, when applicable促滲劑含量(如適用)


Release liner peel釋放襯墊剝離



Cold flow冷流

In vitro drug release體外藥物釋放實驗

Drug substance crystal presence藥物晶態(tài)

Pouch integrity包裝完整性

Microbial limits, when applicable 微生物限度(如適用)

Moisture content, when applicable水分測定(如適用)

Residual solvents殘留溶劑

The proposed analytical procedures should be d0cumented in sufficient detail that they can be reviewed and reproduced in FDA laboratories. In some cases, if upstream controls can be used to confirm that a batch of product meets a CQA listed on the specification, that attribute may not need to be tested at release for every batch, but should be indicated as such on the specification. Applicants proposing a control strategy using such an approach should provide justification.


Some of the methods and criteria associated with CQAs typical for TDS are described below.


a.Adhesive Impurities

Adhesives may contain residual monomers, initiator byproducts, aldehydes, etc. The safety of these compounds should be assessed, as some of these compounds are classified as neurotoxic (e.g., tetramethylsuccinonitrile) or mutagenic (e.g., crotonoaldehyde). Manufacturers are encouraged to contact the raw material suppliers to discuss the selected adhesive raw material  and all potential impurities, as some impurities may not be reported on the certificates of analysis provided by the supplier. Applicants should discuss the potential impurities arising from the raw material in the application. A control strategy for any impurity of toxicological relevance should be established and justified. The control strategy may include testing at the raw material stage,  demonstrating that the manufacturing process is capable of consistently removing the impurities of concern, testing of the final laminate, or a combination of the above.



To support a proposed control strategy based on the capability of the manufacturing process to consistently remove any impurities of concern, applicants should provide data to demonstrate a reduction in the level of the impurity in the final laminate (or finished product) compared to the level in the same batch of raw material.These data are necessary to quantitatively demonstrate effectiveness of the manufacturing process in removing the impurity and to establish controls for adhesive impurities based on levels in the raw material rather than on the final product.


Applicants may consider leveraging the leachable study discussed in the pharmaceutical development section of this guidance by testing adhesive impurities in the leachate. The leachable information can be used to provide toxicological justification for impurity limits or the information can be included as part of the toxicological risk assessment.


b.Uniformity of Dosage Units

TDS specifications should include a test and acceptance criterion for content uniformity for the dosage units. If the finished TDS is designed to be cut by the user, uniformity should also be demonstrated among pieces cut from a single unit.



c.Permeation Enhancer Content

Products that utilize permeation enhancers to establish or maintain drug delivery should include a test and acceptance criterion for permeation enhancers at release and throughout stability. An acceptance criterion that is wider than the typical range for a particular permeation enhancer may require in vivo justification in the absence of an in vitro in vivo correlation.



d.Adhesion Testing (Peel Adhesion, Release Liner Peel, Tack, and Shear Tests)

Using currently available methods, in vitro adhesion testing does not correlate to in vivo adhesion, but in vitro adhesion testing can be useful for quality control (QC) purposes. In vitro adhesion testing should include peel adhesion, release liner removal, tack, and shear (dynamic or static). There are multiple methods and different experimental parameters for each of the tests.



The peel adhesion test measures the force required to remove (peel away) a TDS that has been applied to a standard test panel (e.g., polished stainless steel). The measurement of peel adhesion is influenced by the test parameters such as dwell time, substrate (e.g., stainless steel, high density polyethylene (HDPE)), peel angle, and peel speed.


A release liner peel test measures the force required to separate a TDS from its release liner. The measurement of release liner peel is influenced by experimental parameters such as peel angle and peel speed.


The probe tack test measures the force required to separate the test probe from the adhesive of the TDS. Tack measurement is influenced by the test parameters such as the contact area, the contact pressure, the time of contact (or dwell time), and rate of separation.


There are two categories of shear testing, namely dynamic and static. In the dynamic test, the TDS is pulled from a standard test panel (e.g., polished stainless steel). Dwell time, speed, type of test panel, mode of failure, and sample size are the typical test parameters reported for the dynamic shear test. In the static shear test, the TDS sample is applied to a test panel that is at an angle 2° from the vertical, and the sample is subjected to a shearing force by a means of a givenweight (e.g., 1000 g) suspended from the TDS; the time required to detach a standard area of the TDS from a stainless steel test panel under a standard load is measured. Dwell time, weight used, type of test panel, mode of failure, and sample size are the typical test parameters reported for the static shear test. The time taken for the TDS sample to detach from the test panel is also reported

剪切試驗有兩類,即動態(tài)和靜態(tài)。在動態(tài)測試中,TDS從標準測試面板(例如,拋光不銹鋼)中拉出。停留時間、速度、試驗板類型、失效模式和樣本大小是動態(tài)剪切試驗報告的典型試驗參數(shù)。在靜態(tài)剪切試驗中,將TDS樣品施加到與垂直方向成2°角的試驗板上,并通過懸浮在TDS上的給定質(zhì)量(例如1000 g)對樣品施加剪切力;測量在標準負載下從不銹鋼測試面板上分離TDS標準區(qū)域所需的時間。靜態(tài)剪切試驗報告的典型試驗參數(shù)包括停留時間、所用質(zhì)量、試驗板類型、破壞模式和樣品尺寸。也需報告TDS樣品從測試面板上分離所需的時間




The test methods should be discriminating and scientifically justified. Manufacturers should propose product-specific acceptance criteria with justification supported by product development research.


f.In vitro Drug Release

USP General Chapter describes the apparatuses to use for in vitro release testing and the acceptance criteria for each apparatus; however, method development and validation is not addressed. General recommendations for in vitro release testing of TDS are described below along with considerations for method design and validation



In vitro drug release testing of TDS products is typically performed using specific, qualified apparatus such as: Paddle over Disk (Apparatus 5), Cylinder (Apparatus 6), or Reciprocating Holder (Apparatus 7).



The NDA or ANDA submission for the TDS product should include a method development and validation report with complete information/data supporting the proposed drug release method and acceptance criteria.


Sufficient detail and data should be included in the method development and validation report so the adequacy of the method for batch release and stability testing can be properly assessed. Examples of parameters to eva1uate during method development include selection of USP apparatus/other equipment, drug release medium, rotation or agitation speed, temperature, pH,  sink conditions, use of a surfactant, and other technical aspects of the test. An in vitro drug release method should be simple, reliable, reproducible, discriminating, and robust. Applicants should strive to develop a method that releases as much drug as possible.



The validation section of the report should include complete information/data regarding: i) the discriminating ability of the selected method, ii) the validation of the drug release methodology, and iii) the validation/verification of the analytical method selected to assay the drug release samples. The selected method should be able to differentiate the release profiles of TDS that are intentionally manufactured with meaningful variations in critical process parameters and formulation components. Validation data should demonstrate the range and sensitivity of the  method for proportional drug release across different strengths of the TDS. In addition,  validation data should demonstrate reproducibility of the method for drug release across different runs of the same batch and its robustness, i.e., its capacity to remain unaffected by changes in receptor medium temperature, paddle rate, and other method parameters


相關(guān)閱讀:《FDA IVRT測試 工業(yè)指南翻譯稿》

The acceptance criteria for the in vitro drug release test should be based on the proposed TDS product batch release data, including data from bio-batches (e.g., BE, PK, Clinical), registration/exhibit batches, and commercial batches (if available). To set the acceptance criteria for the in vitro drug release test, a complete drug release profile should be established by collecting data until there is no increase in drug release over three consecutive time points (sampling every 2 hours). The drug release profile of TDS products typically encompasses  initial, middle, and terminal phases; thus, for setting the acceptance criteria, there should be at least one sampling time point covering each phase. The drug release data should be reported as  the cumulative percent of drug being released with time. The acceptance criteria range for each specific timepoint should be based on the mean percentage value of drug released ± 10 percent using the drug release data generated at these times. The percentage should be determined based  on the TDS product’s label claim. If less than 100 percent drug is released, but no drug increase is observed over three consecutive sampling timepoints (i.e., incomplete drug release), the amount of drug reached at the plateau should be considered 100 percent for the purposes of estimating the percent of drug release over time.


Wider acceptance criteria range for the drug release test may be acceptable if they are supported by an approved in-vitro in-vivo correlation model.


g.Crystal Presence

The presence of crystals or crystallization of the drug in the TDS over time can negatively impact the product performance. Therefore, it is important to establish a test and acceptance criteria to confirm the absence of crystals to be used at release and on stability. Microscopic and photometric methods are preferred rather than a simple visual count. It is recognized that some products are designed to be suspensions, however, this design does not preclude the need for a crystal specification. Suspension products should still include tests and acceptance criterion to ensure against crystal propagation, which may impact drug delivery or adhesion properties of the product.



h.Pouch Integrity

The pouch for a TDS is critical to the stability and integrity of the product. Pouch integrity testing should be conducted as part of finished product release unless justification is provided for an alternative approach that assures the finished product specification is met.



D.Additional Stability Studies

In addition to the standard battery of formal stability and photostability studies for drug substance and drug products discussed in ICH Q1A and ICH Q1B, TDS applicants and manufacturers should conduct stability studies under challenge conditions that include temperature excursions, freeze/thaw, and/or crystal seeding. These additional studies are intended to address certain product quality issues such as crystal formation and growth. Moreover, in-use photostability testing may be appropriate to conduct for certain TDS formulations, depending on backing membrane opacity, duration of wear, and its expected exposure to light when in use.

D.其他 穩(wěn)定性研究

除了ICH Q1A和ICH Q1B中討論的原料藥和藥物產(chǎn)品的正式穩(wěn)定性和光穩(wěn)定性研究的標準組外,TDS申請人和制造商應在挑戰(zhàn)條件下進行穩(wěn)定性研究,包括溫度漂移、冷凍/解凍和/或晶種。這些額外的研究旨在解決某些產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量問題,如晶體形成和生長。此外,使用中的光穩(wěn)定性測試可能適用于某些TDS制劑,這取決于背襯膜的不透明度、磨損持續(xù)時間以及使用時預期的光暴露。

A.Product Adhesion Considerations

In vivo adhesion studies provide the greatest prediction of adhesion, a CQA, for a proposed commercial product. Applicants should demonstrate that reasonable efforts were made to optimize adhesive characteristics of the TDS. This optimization should balance properties such as adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and stability to ensure a consistent and uniform adhesion of its entire surface area to the skin for the entire duration of wear. Applicants should develop a comprehensive strategy for assessing the adhesive attributes of the TDS. In vivo adhesion studies are necessary to demonstrate adequate adhesion of the TDS. Therefore, when possible, such as in efficacy studies for an NDA, subject diaries describing the actual in-use product adhesion performance should be used. This information bolsters adhesion data collected from the studies described below and in other guidances




Characterization of the adhesive properties of a TDS should demonstrate that the labelled uses are substantiated. For example, if the TDS is intended to be worn during bathing and showering, applicants should demonstrate that the TDS will continue to adhere during and after such incidental exposure to water. Product reinforcement, such as taping the edges or use of overlays, or occluding the product from water during bathing should not be permitted during the in vivo adhesion eva1uation


We recommend that when assessing the adhesion of a TDS, applicants use a 5-point numerical scale in which each score corresponds to a specified range of adhered surface area of the TDS, as follows:


0 = ≥ 90% adhered (essentially no lift off the skin) 粘附(基本上不會剝離皮膚)

1 = ≥ 75% to < 90% adhered (some edges only lifting off the skin) 粘附(某些邊緣僅從皮膚上剝離)

2 = ≥ 50% to < 75% adhered (less than half of the TDS lifting off the skin) 粘附(少于TDS的一半剝離皮膚)

3 = > 0% to < 50% adhered (not detached, but more than half of the TDS lifting off the skin without falling off) 粘附(未脫落,但超過一半的TDS從皮膚上剝離而不脫落)

4 = 0% adhered (TDS detached; completely off) 粘附(TDS分離;完全脫落)

Additionally, the following information should be collected:


At each time point when adhesion is assessed on the above described 5-point scale, the scorer should also record their actual percent adherence estimate (e.g., if the observer scores the product as a two on the five point scale and estimates that the product appears to be 60 percent adhered, a score of two and a 60 percent should be recorded for that time point).


Photographic evidence showing the extent of TDS adherence to the skin at each time point should be provided.


B.Product Storage and Disposal – Labeling Considerations

TDS storage conditions should be supported by stability data and stated in the label. Generally, we recommend controlled room temperature for the storage of TDS. Excursions, if permitted, should be indicated on the label. The label should also state that TDS should not be stored outside of the pouch if that is necessary to preserve the safety, efficacy, and quality of the TDS.



Transdermal and topical delivery systems often contain post-use residual drug in the delivery system. Considering the therapeutic nature of the drug compound and potential adverse events resulting from unintended exposure, the instruction for product disposal should be clearly outlined in the labeling. It is important that the disposal process prevents exposure of the residual drug to the environment and/or other people. Depending on the nature of the product, special instructions may be required to prevent exposure to children and caregivers, which could result in significant safety-related consequences


實驗儀器:銳拓 RT800 自動取樣透皮擴散系統(tǒng)




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